Survivor of Parkland Shooting Speaks on Minnesota Gun Legislature FOX 21 Online
State Rep. Lucas responds to gun-flash controversy by offering safety course to teens The Herald Bulletin
The Science Is Clear: Gun Control Saves Lives Scientific American
Albany leaders push safe gun storage after 3-year-old shot by brother WRGB
GOP blocks gun reform as mass shootings surge: Ari Melber breakdown MSNBC
QAnon dad who allegedly killed his 2 kids with a spearfishing gun over ‘serpent DNA’ indicted on first-degree murder counts Yahoo News
Governor Newsom Takes Action to Further Restrict Ghost Guns and Protect California Kids from Gun Violence | California Governor Office of Governor Gavin Newsom
A trolley, a church, and a cap gun mishap The Sheridan Press
Akron Police: Man fatally shot estranged wife before turning gun on self